
Static Page Problems

Why isn’t my page showing up in the contents menu?

Check that you page is correctly listed in the index.rst file (check indent!) example .

Check that you’re looking at the right branch in Read the Docs

Why isn’t my page loading / display correctly?

Check the source reStructuredText file for issues with rstcheck.

Install rstcheck (if you don’t already have it) to check syntax of rst code:

sudo pip install rstcheck

Run it against a particular file:

rstcheck <file>

Or run it against all reStructuredText files in a directory:

rstcheck *.rst

The reStructuredText is good if no results are returned.

Autodoc Problems

Module files missing or incomplete

Check Read the Docs to see if there has been an import problem as per example-of-import-problem

If your code has submodules (i.e. code is in more than one level of directory) then you may need to alter your path statement.