Create Content

You should consider creating project documentation in addition to the auto-generated module documentation. While, it’s good surfacing your docstrings as nicely formatted pages, you should still have some general pages that introduce your project and add extra context such as diagrams.

Updating the Index

The file docs/source/index.rst is the landing page for your projects documentation.

Initially it will look something like this:

Welcome to <PROJECT_NAME>'s documentation!


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

The rst files for autodoc are in the docs/source directory so it is a good idea for reasons of tidiness and to avoid name collisions to create a subdirectory for your content.

In this example, there is a subdirectory called userguide

Add the names of your additional RST files, without file extension, one line below the ‘:maxdepth: 2’. Prefix with the subdirectory if using, example:


Be sure to preserve the 3-space indent.

See: Example